Magnus from the Bedtime Defenderz
Bedtime Defenderz - Magnus Stats

Magnus'S Biography

Krockholm is the largest city in Snoozeeland.  It’s where Magnus was born and raised.  As a youngster, he had leadership qualities amongst his classmates.  He never shied away from a challenge – whether it was in sports, music, or school.

One challenge Magnus faced is still often talked about:  On the night of his sixth grade track meet, Magnus was warming up for the finals of the 800 meter race (two laps around the track), and preparing his mind to push past the pain and suffering he was going to face during the grueling race.  This was the last race of the day, and was what everyone in the stands had been waiting for.  Magnus was one of the favorites to win this race, but he was going to face some stiff competition from a couple of his rivals from Beacon Cove Elementary.

The meet was being held at the local high school’s stadium because it had some lights to help illuminate the track for the last few races of the day that were sure to extend into the evening hours.  Both athletes from Beacon Cove were even wearing battery powered headband lights to help them see in the quickly dimming light as the sun set over the horizon.

As the racers got ready at the start line, the starter prepared to trigger the sounding device……..BANG! The runners were off. Magnus rounded the first corner of the track, managing to fend off a couple of elbow bumps that always happened in these races as the runners jockeyed for position.  He had settled into the middle of the pack and was aware enough to notice that the skies had quickly become extra dark and stormy, and the air had cooled down noticeably. The pack rounded the second corner, then down the back stretch, then into the third and fourth corners.

But about half way through the race, as they were coming down the home stretch, the pace of the race began to speed up.  Magnus was picking up his cadence and starting to push through the discomfort he was feeling.  Both of the runners from Beacon Cove were running right behind Magnus (he could see the light beams from their headband lights bouncing up and down with their strides).  One of the Beacon Cove runners made a move to the outside and kicked into high gear, passing Magnus on his right.  The other one moved up along-side Magnus, staying immediately on his right side.  Magnus got a funny feeling in his stomach that something wasn’t right.  Just then, the one rival who had run past Magnus, cut directly in front of him and immediately slowed down.  With the other Beacon Cove runner so close on his right side, Magnus had nowhere to go and the toes of his right foot landed directly onto the heel of his rival’s left foot causing Magnus to trip and fall awkwardly to the track.  It was a hard fall too….he skinned his knee and bruised his chin on the track.  The spectators all gasped as Magnus skidded to an abrupt stop.

As he gathered himself after the fall, he realized he had almost no chance of winning the race now that he was so far behind.  He was mad.

But he started to get up anyway…..because you never, ever, ever, ever quit.  And just then, there was a sudden flash of white brilliance from the dark sky as a bolt of lightning seared through the air and struck Magnus squarely in his stomach, engulfing him in a glowing halo of lighted electricity.  All the hairs on his body and head stood straight up.  All the lights surrounding the stadium immediately went dark.  After steadying himself, a steely look of determination came to his eyes and he began to run – like he had never run before – with purpose.

It was almost pitch black now, and he could barely see the group of runners ahead of him.  But he could see the two headband light beams from the Beacon Cove runners….they had already rounded the first corner again and were heading for the second. Magnus was so far behind, but he was running with something extra.  There was a glowing light coming from his belly where the lightning had struck him, and if not for that, he wouldn’t have been able to see the surface of the track in front of him.  He gradually started closing the gap between him and the rest of the runners.  He could hear the crowd starting to cheer him on.

He finally caught up to the runner at the back of the pack while rounding the fourth corner and started to pass some of his competitors on the outside, one at a time.  Now in the home stretch, and with the finish line approaching quickly, only his two Beacon Cove rivals were still in front of him.  In two unbelievably quick strides, he passed one of the Cove runners, but there was seemingly not enough time or track left to catch the other one….they were almost at the finish line.

Magnus didn’t even think, he just did…..with one final burst of unworldly energy, he dove head-first toward the finish line and only the hair standing straight up on his head crossed the line before the other Cove runner!  As he crashed to the track, he tumbled several times before coming to a stop.  He could hear the crowd chanting his name, “Mag-nus!  Mag-nus!  Mag-nus!”  The other runners came to him to see if he was alright.  With a quick wink, they knew he was fine, and hoisted him off the ground.  Then they lifted him up in the air, over their shoulders, and joined the “Mag-nus!  Mag-nus!” chant.  Time seemed to stand still….it was a magical moment.

The spectators at the track that day had witnessed the unimaginable.  It was a perfect example of how good always overcomes bad.  And the legend of Magnus (and his new Mohawk hair style), grew from that day on.

Magnus loves to listen to and create music….it’s his passion.  He loves to feel the electronic beat pulse through his body and soul.  He’s taught himself how to play guitar, drums, and keyboard.  On the weekends, Magnus listens to and plays music for hours on end.  He mixes beats and sends them to his friends to see if they like them too.  One time, Magnus was playing his electric guitar so hard and fast, and got so amped up, that electricity started sparking from his hands, with smoke rising into the air, and his guitar caught on fire!

But the one thing that Magnus doesn’t like… darkness. He’s actually kind of afraid of the dark. So he uses the power of his mind to help calm himself down whenever he feels like he’s getting scared. And he always sleeps with a night light on because it makes him feel safer. You can’t find a braver friend in the whole universe than Magnus, but just try to keep the lights on a bit, OK?

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